J. Cole once again delivers an album that won’t be forgotten, as he continues to speak wise words that the world and HipHop seems to need at this very moment. KOD serves as the fifth album from Cole, coming in at 12 tracks with again, no features. The album follows the same trend as Cole’s previous albums Forest Hills Drive and 4 Your Eyez Only proving that the Roc Nation artist doesn’t need any feature, even from Jay-Z, to make some sort of impact or splash in today’s scene. J. Cole easily destroys the production, that brings a feel of today’s younger “HipHop artists” or the trap scene in HipHop. Speaking on certain issues and topics is something J. Cole finds himself bringing to the table with these past few albums, serving as one of the many voices who aren’t afraid to even speak on these issues and topics. You know an album is great, yea I said it, great, when you don’t have a favorite because each song is just as good as the next. Do yourself a favor and jam KOD an album from J. Cole down below.