Not only is the summer going to be hot….tis the season of “Block Ballin” a Billions as the Mayor of Compton, Ca “Billionaire Buck” is about to have one breakout summer of 2017…. While putting the finishing touches on his upcoming ep “Billions” which will be packed with surprises, while y’all waiting, Buck connects with producer “Larry Jay” to revisit badboy recording artist Black Rob’s anthem “Whoa” to give y’all his latest installment “That’s A Fact” the kick-off track that gives a play by play of hustlin from the “Trap streets” to the “Executive suites” so hit play and kick the summer and the countdown to the “Billions” ep of right and chop it with “Billionaire Buck” on a daily via Twitter @comptonsbuck or his new IG @Billionaire_buck_