The Barbados native, Haskk, revamped two of his previously released EP’s for his fans recently. Both projects contain a special feature from Starving Artist, who helped Haskk create both tapes. He is featured on Lucid Druid once and on Vivid Entities twice. Peep both below.
The Lucid Druid EP. This project contains nine really dark sounding instrumentals. This though is the producers choice of sound as he complements the instruments to the dark sound creating something you don’t hear everyday. This EP sees features from Ghxxst, Giiibbz, Fizix and Ashlee Cain. A few of my favorites from this project are “White Oak I”, “Lucid Trials” and “Sleep Walking II” featuring Ghxxst.
The second set of sounds is the Vivid Entities EP. This project does not have the exact same sound when comparing to the Lucid Druid EP, but is similar. This has to be my favorite of the two as Haskk keeps the dark sounds going but blends it in with other different sounds creating a story for your ears to hear. A few favorites off of this EP are “Acid Sorrows”, “Cronos Trail” and “Tragic Ending”.