Inspired by the mob movies he watched while growing up, Steadee gives listeners a taste of that inspiration with “Meeting At Maggiano’s“. Eating pasta and drinking some fine wine while smoking a cigar are the vibes the track brings. From the artwork to the production and rhymes, Steadee describes his current mobbish lifestyle.

“Fresh off the plane touching down from LAX/got a meeting with the set/you know I’m steady chasing checks/get it off the dribble dudes never see me sweat/ballin harder than a b*tch like I’m playing for the Nets” is how the D.C. native starts the record off, setting the record straight on how he approaches his grind.
Steadee links up with producer SecondHand Smoke and fellow artist Ayyee Luv for their contributions on “Meeting At Maggiano’s”. Ayyee Luv delivers the chorus and a dope verse over the piano heavy production that fits the theme of the track perfectly. You can tell Steadee did his homework before constructing the record together, choosing the right beat and supporting cast in general to bring his idea to life in audio form.
Stream the laid back single “Meeting At Magiano’s” while you mob through out your day and be on the look out for Steadee’s new album set to release soon. Be sure to give all three artists a follow on your social media platforms as well. Be Known.
Twitter: @HeSoSteadee
Instagram: @HeSoSteadee
Twitter: @AyyeeLuv
Instagram: @AyyeeLuv
Twitter: @audiodopesmoke
Instagram: @24pfSecondHand