Treating listeners once again with some lyrical dopeness comes Super Helpful Kwame with his latest album Sodom & Gamorrah. The album comes in at a weight of 7 tracks, but that is enough for Kwame to get his point across the canvas of the album. Currently out in the Caribbean, the artist decides to drop the album which speaks on issues within his home city of Brooklyn, NY, and throughout the world. Kwame says he is “planting seeds for a better future and tomorrow” with Sodom & Goamorrah. This album comes after the successful release of his last body of work Hitmen & Healers which you can also find here on the site. Stand out tracks from the album are “Herbalist” and “Greenfields”. Go ahead and bump that new music from Super Helpful Kwame and show some love. Be Known.
Hitmen & Healers